
Who will watch the watchers? Report from the Chinatown store detective

Oh, hai. It’s been a while I guess. I got distracted studying maths in the library. No, really! I’ve started an MSc in social research methods, and it includes… maths. And it turns out I’m worse at maths than I remember. I remember being great at maths. But back then, computers didn’t exist, and neither …

Who will watch the watchers? Report from the Chinatown store detective Read More »

Me vs Capitalism: Stalemate

For the princely dangled sum of £100, I swept aside my convictions and offered my services to a market research company doing baby food focus groups. “I can subvert this process from within” I told myself, while listlessly clicking empty cells on my post-maternity pay household budget spreadsheet.


So today is National Poetry Day in the UK. Happy National Poetry Day! And by ‘Happy’ I mean ‘Fuck’. Because I wanted to be sincere and generous of mind on National Poetry Day, but instead I listened to some actual poetry and started smashing things. Like, in my mind. And by ‘smashing’ I mean ‘being …


We are all snakes now

It might be the postmodern elements of the internet that have destroyed my concentration, producing in my online activity a simulacra of intentional evasion of essentialist identity, which of course is more complicated and flattering than the image of some scatterbrained nerd whose tab key has fallen off her keyboard.

Some things may not be where they were

Rather than revamp my website three years ago when I got to London, I worked, lazed around, facebooked, got married, tweeted, had a baby, and mislaid my career. Now, rather than attempting the impossible task of devomiting my flat, it seems the perfect time to return to the public internet to devomit my website.